Ultimate Guide to Selecting a Batting Tee

Ultimate Guide to Selecting a Batting Tee

So, you need a baseball tee but don’t know where to start. We get it, it’s a daunting process. Even with ample research, it can be hard to figure out just which tee is perfect for you or your player. This Ultimate Guide will get you started on the path to making the right choice. We will discuss:

  • What is a batting tee and why you need one
  • Types of batting tees
  • Things to look for in a batting tee
  • Why the G Tee

What is a batting tee and why you need one

A batting tee is a simple tool used to work on hitting baseballs. It consists of a base, stem and ball holder. The base, which is usually shaped like home plate, anchors the tee. The stem is an adjustable staff that connects the base to the ball holder. The ball holder does exactly what it says: holds the ball!

Batting tees are necessary because they help you develop the important skills within hitting. As opposed to working with live pitches and working on timing, the batting tee lets you work on pure mechanics and form. By slowing the ball down (to 0 MPH), you can work on the motions and movements that will give you the best chance at hitting the ball far. It’s also a great opportunity to give your bats some use so they are better in-game. It’s a great way to get reps in a smaller area while working on your hitting. It’s easy to use, accessible, and valuable at every age and skill level.

Types of batting tees

There are a variety of batting tee types. Finding the right one is essential for getting the most out of your batting tee experience. Some types are:

- Classic tees. These are the standard tees you think of when you hear “batting tee.” They are effective, tried and true. They work very well and are perfect for all ages, skill levels and sizes.
- Hybrid tees. Hybrid tees hold the ball from the top using an extended arm around the strike zone. The hybrid tee helps correct players who may have a choppy swing on a regular tee. It is effective for anyone who needs to work on hitting, though.
- Training tees. These often expensive tees connect the ball to the training machine and therefore require no retrieval of the ball. It’s great for getting in hundreds of reps at once, without having to get the ball every time.
- Concept tees. Concept tees help you work on a specific facet of your game. There are many types, but they all work on forcing you to think about the mechanics of your swing and the way you swing the bat.

Things to look for in a batting tee

There are lots of things you should look for in a batting tee, but here are some of the most vital ones:

- Durability. This is a no-brainer. A batting tee gets abused by players constantly, so ensuring that you get a durable tee is important. You may think getting a cheaper one is fine, but they won’t last as long and you will lose money having to replace it over and over again. Get a well made, weighted tee to get the absolute best experience.
- Stability. Hitting a ball off of a tee that just moves when you hit it defeats the purpose. You can buy weights for unstable tees, but ultimately, just getting a weighted tee at the beginning prevents you from taking an unnecessary step. Keep in mind that heavier tees are harder to transport! Lightweight tees are great for use wherever you are in the world, but those tend to be less stable. However, they have their own benefits! Try to find a balance between ease of use and stability when choosing a tee.
- Portability. As mentioned, moving a tee can be a lot of work. They can weigh up to 10 pounds and are sometimes large and bulky. Keep this in mind when choosing a tee! If you are getting one for little kids to use to get the basics down, there’s no need for a “pro” weighted tee. However, heavier, fancier tees are going to require a lot of muscle to move around, so be prepared to put in the elbow grease.
Versatility. Getting a versatile batting tee is only for those who need it. However, lots of batting tees are suited for use in other sports like softball. If you need to use one tee for a variety of different players, investing in an adjustable tee that can accommodate different heights is vital. Lots of tees are very versatile, so finding one that isn’t a one-trick-pony is a good idea.
- Personability. You need to work with a company that provides what YOU deserve: good customer service. Ensure you’re buying from a company that can assist with warranty, repair and maintenance issues. Buying a tee isn’t easy, and working with a bad company can make it even harder. Make sure you focus on your needs and interact with a company that can help you!

Why the G Tee

The G Tee checks every box on your list. It’s durable, easy to transport, versatile, stable, and our customer service team is excited to work with you!

- Durability. The G Tee is durable and can withstand hundreds of hours of practice.
- Stability. Due to the wide, stable base, the G Tee doesn’t move when you’re batting! he G Tee’s base is 12”x12”. A wider base gives more stability, especially when the additional weight post is added. Get a live-game feel every time you step up to the tee with the G Tee’s stability guarantee.
- Portability. The best part of the G Tee is that, even with a wider base, its design still makes it easily portable. The G Tee is completely portable, assembly or disassembly takes a matter of seconds.
- Versatile. However, the G Tee has 3 telescoping uprights in adjustable sizes, 18″-30″ , 22"-41", or 26"-53”. This flexibility among the different uprights gives the G Tee a better range and therefore easily usable for multiple types of players. The G Tee has a more flexible use and can give professional tee access to a wider range of players
- The biggest benefit of the G Tee, however, is its uniquely designed flexible rubber G Tee cup. The G Tee cup allows the hitter to more accurately hear and feel the ball on impact. This gives a more accurate hitting experience and game-like repetitions, leading to better training and better game-time results. Our technological take on the classic flexible rubber cup is unique to the G Tee alone, meaning you can’t get this experience from the Tanner Tee.
- Reliability! The team at G Tee is always ready to help you find the G Tee product that works for you.

In terms of base stability, range of motion and height, as well as the unique rubber G Tee cup that gives the most realistic batting experience, the G Tee wins. The G Tee is the best tee available on the market: shop our full catalog to find every baseball tee accessory you need. That’s why the G Tee…what Pros use.



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